Olympus M.zuiko 17mm F/1.8 Digital Lens (silver) With Case + Tripod + 3 Uv/nd8/pl Filters + Accessory Kit

Olympus M.zuiko 17mm F/1.8 Digital Lens (silver) With Case + Tripod + 3 Uv/nd8/pl Filters + Accessory Kit


The Olympus M.Zuiko 17mm f/1.8 Digital Lens is a high-speed single-focal-length wide-angle lens that is ideal for shooting landscapes street scenes and everyday photography and produces amazing photos even in low light. It has a beautiful full-metal body and a snap ring that enables photographers to pan focus with a distance indicator. The Movie-Still Compatible (MSC) mechanism utilizes ultra quiet autofocusing technology. It is great for tracking a moving child or pet and provides a quick and silent focus mechanism.

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